Woah! What a good feeling. I get out the retailer life and now I'm working as copywriter at Portal called POP in the Games sector.Pretty cool uh?! I really work for the enterprise called SKY7, this enterprise do notes for this portal called POP.
The cool thing is: The guys there are the guys whose I used to read in games magazine all my fucking life. Pretty cool uh?
It is so cool, that even if I drank a lot of beer one night, I wake up early in the morning all alone. Yup, without clock alarm and stuff. Well...its is pretty strange telling you the truth... someone might have changed my alcoholic drink for some workaholic. Godamn!
See you all, soon. With videos and stupid useless post as ever at warchildpost. =}
And oh: If you gonna comment, try to make some text with at least 30 % of meaning, Thank you. (=