An eight year poodle called Beethoven saved a family of a pitbull attack. When the pitbull enters the residence of the family, Beethoven attack it. For sure, the pitbull has advantage in this fight and bite Beethoven in the neck. This give time enough for the poodle owner to grab a broom and attack the pitbull. The family called the firemans and the municipal guard, when the guard arrived for the family rescue, the pitbull attack again. The pitbull was shot three times.
What a hero story han?
Portuguese reference;
Um poodle de 8 anos chamado Beethoven salvou uma família de ser atacada por um pitbull, na última segunda-feira (23), em Campinas (SP). Beethoven avançou no cachorro que entrou de surpresa na casa do funcionário público Paulo de Sá, quando cerca de 20 pessoas da família estavam reunidas, prontas, para ir a um enterro. [UOL]
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