Thursday, February 05, 2009

Retarded News Coverage

NBC should actually try some trustworthy fonts to start some news...
He is the TOP 10 at my Epic FAIL list.

PONZOR!!!!??? .... tisc tisc.

A news report by NBC Bay Area has caught the attention of the WoW community recently. They set out to show how many gamers are part of a "secret society, complete with their own language". To prove this, they interviewed a guy who claims to be "ranked in the top 10 out of 12 million people who play WoW" . Well, I didn't know WoW's subscriptions had gone up another 500 thousand people, grats Blizz? Also, when was this tournament that every WoW player took part in? Must've missed that.

Someone has been feeding their girlfriend a line of bullshit.
In order to show how hard it is for WoW players and non-WoW players to communicate, our intrepid reporter takes a seat and attempts to get help for...something, I don't know. She does so by typing,"I NEED HELP" in a trade channel window and hitting enter. Anyone new to WoW will tell you - this is exactly right. Her boyfriend, the professional, corrects her, explaining that "LFM 25 Naxx 2 more tanks 2 more DKs" means help.
Incidentally, what this means is that they are looking for more for 25-man Naxx - two more tanks required, and two more Death Knights. There is no way in hell anyone new to World of Warcraft would ever, ever need to type that.
For those of you curious, there is a special, secret way to ask for help in World of Warcraft. Go into a general chat channel, and type, "Excuse me, but I am new to the game and was wondering if anyone could help me sort a few things out?" This is called speaking like a human being. The proper response is to call said person a noob in as many ways possible while someone more courteous helps them out in a private message.

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