Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whazzup Game World?

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Konami is my beloved enterprise. And they always say statement that make me proudly anxious. This time is about E3:

Konami's Press Conference will highlight games across all genres targeted towards players of all age groups and skill levels. Konami will feature groundbreaking announcements that you will truly not want to miss. -Konami

And Ubisoft has announced their release window till April 2010.

More about Konami: This time is Hideo Kojima dude being hype.
Now he make an interview with blanked words. It was posted at [Kotaku]:

When speaking with Famitsu Editor-in-Chief Hirokazu Hamamura, Kojima apparently revealed more than he originally intended about his new title. Hamamura asked Kojima if Famitsu could run the full interview. Kojima agreed as long as the mag censored the important stuff. And Famitsu did just that.

Below are excerpts we translated. Each "X" refers to a corresponding white circle Famitsu used to blot out important info. If you are planning on filling in the blanks, do keep in mind that they refer to a single Japanese character. - Kotaku

The interview:

Hamamura: Ah! I get it!!
Kojima: "XXXXX XXXXX XXX". Well, it's not "X", but a "X" kind of feeling. That's him. I can't say the title yet, but it's this kind of feeling. But it's the Metal Gear saga's tradition.
Hamamura: The time period is XXX?
Kojima: No, it's XXX. I'm saying everything, maybe XXXXX. I'm designing and directing all of this game.
Hamamura: Wha!
Kojima: I think the focus will be domestic, and we're launching it globally. For me, this is like "XXXX". I won't say "X", but a solid story has been created, and the MGS4 staff is making it.
Hamamura: Wow! That's great.

Kojima: This time, only the image of this guy will appear. Then lighting. Just this appearing, I wan everyone to guess. This is how XX's will be appearing.
Hamamura: Big Boss?
Kojima: XX's way of appearing is slightly different.
Hamamura: Eh? Different...?

Kojima: The emblem on this guy's hat is important.
Hamamura: The emblem isn't a fox. There's like a world map thing drawn.
Kojima: It's not only an emblem, but for the game, it will be a new type of system.
Hamamura: Is it XX-XXXXXXXXXX?
Kojima: Yes. You'll while XXXXXXX. XXXX, etc. are a given, so they'll be included. Ooops, I've said more than I was planning to. (laughs)
Hamamura: Hahahahaha! Well XXXXXX, it's XXXXXXX? Also, where's the game going to be set?
Kojima: The place is XXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXX happened, and it's a XXXXX type of country. There isn't XXXXXXXX in the country, but they do have XX like things and XXXX. At that time, XXXXXX come to where the guy is.

Kojima: The theme is XX. XXXXX kinda thing or XXX theme, or XXXXXXXXXXXX, or why is there X, that's where we're drawing. Maybe everyone is probably thinking, "This sermon again!" Maybe this sermon will become a genre. (laughs)
Hamamura: Ahahahaha!
Kojima: This is quite a deep interview.
Hamamura: So true!

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