Monday, December 10, 2007

More about the SFIV polemical images made an interview with the guy behind all this mess, Douglas Pereira.
You can see the interview clicking here
There, Popzara said;

"we came down pretty hard on the Kotaku website for their surprisingly flippant handling of presenting information to their readers, in particular the condemning of Ziff-Davis without first attempting to verify the validity of your claims."

But lets see;
Kotaku received a mail from Pereira "crying" for help;
"Ziff Davis is going after me. They're chasing me," he lamented. It was very heart-wrenching. - Kotaku
C'mon, If you analyze the facts Ziff Davis were picking really hard on Blogeek. So Kotaku posted the information. Maybe a little precipitated, but Pereira probably show the mail content to Kotaku, and they make what they think was right.

"Pereia informed me that a follow up email informed him that Ziff Davis and Capcom lawyers were working to see what they could do to him, and that sales of the Street Fighter IV issue of EGM would suffer from the leak and he was responsible. Pressure is being put on Pereia to reveal his source as well, though Douglas refuses to do so.

He has, however, removed the post from Blogeek and taken the site down, posting a message on the front page apologizing for the leaked information." - Kotaku

For the other side, Hsu, EGM editor-in-chief, appears giving his statement about the case. And it was more serious then appear. An IP adress show a stolen action. And another precipitated information comes on; "Pereira Admit the stolen"

This guy did not get the information from an "anonymous source." He's a freelancer for EGM Brazil who finally admitted to them that he did not have a source, but rather, stole the information from our servers (we have IP logs for this). He used his working relationship with EGM Brazil, stole a password, and took information from our story and posted it up before we could. - Hsu

But also wasn't prove that if it was all the "truth". Like Pereira said;

"I want that he(Hsu) prove that i admitted something. The only mail that i receive from Ziff Davis was that Tara Garfinkle, IP manager, sent me saying that she get acknowledgment that i have removed the information of the blog, and also that i should send a reply saying that i agree with it and that was an advice to this kind of thing do not happens again." Pereira at Blogeek.

Today i see at Blogeek, Pereira said that;

"Today I received a mail from Dan "Shoe" Hsu. I will not put it here, but what happens is likely i said before; someone give the information to him that i admit it and he believe in it. And who give this information to him was someone here from Futuro. Cool isn't? He ask me to come clean with it. And he will apologize if he feels that need to do it. I explained a lot of things to him, and he explained his situation. He is a calm and nice guy. Some people are thinking that I'm in war against imperialism or something like that, but they are wrong. I can have something agaisnt Ziff but not agaisn't US EGM journalists at all. All readers from US are against me now, but I insist that i do not enter at the FTP, perhaps my source do it. But i dont have nothing with it, It is a security problem of them."
Well, if someone stole a car from your neighbor and give the car to you, you gonna use it? Is it not your problem? Blame the security of your neighbor? I think that Blogeek was irresponsible about the roots of his source. We cant forget that the victim of it all was Ziff Davis. The facts that happen before was an amount of precipitated and fake informations. And this is a synonyms for internet. Internet is a place where you can find what you want! If you want to find a thief you will find a thief, if you want to find a victim, you will find a victim. The main problem is that the information runs so faster that the communication stay in second plan. The proved fact is that someone stole the image from Ziff Davis, this image was posted in internet. All that comes now is an amount of mixed informations.

If Pereira said he wasn't the thief with the "prove" on his hand. It is a little hard to believe in him. But I believe cause;
1- He will not win absolute nothing with it. So he will not making something to gain only stress.
2- Every place we work, we can make friends and enemies. At Futuro, probably an enemy from Pereira send a fake information to Hsu.
3- We have a key mysterious source (probably the thief) that doesn't appear. And this source have the right to not appear, the source gave the information to Pereira, the responsibilities of what to do with the image was at Pereira hands now.
4- He act like any fan or blogger would do with this information at hand.


Discover the thief will be impossible and useless. If they discover his source, will really prove that the source stole the image? And if the source have a source? So it is so hard to expend time on it.
The damage is done. Who will pay for it? Ziff Davis! Now they have to rethink their security system. Put Blogeek down will not make anything to repair this. We are at Xmas dudes, we have to forgive now.

To Pereira;
Maybe if you offers to do some free articles to EGM your precipitated act can be forgiven?
To Ziff Davis;
Use the brain of the marketing sector to make a good final from this history.
To Kotaku;
You are a blog, not a magazine! If Kotaku was a magazine then yeah, it have to verify all the small facts of the case, but it is a blog, and have to put the information like it appears to them. Hsu said;

"Guys(Kotaku), maybe a little journalistic investigating before you blast us? How about talking to Ziff Davis to get the "full story"?
But the full story wasn't so full neither so investigated uh?

You see? Everybody is a victim here.

To Warchild
Shut up man, you talk to much.

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