Friday, February 08, 2008

Payton didn't say that

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We posted here before a post from Reuters about Metal Gear and the need to sell millions of copy... in the first day.

WELL, actually isn't this way.
As all we know journalists dudes are pretty funny with quotes, like;

If you say:
"Theaters is cool"
Journalists would write like this:
"I love Theaters"

You can think, it's the same uh? But it's completely different, you can think that theaters is cool cause it may be a culture thing and all BUT you don't have patience and would hate to stay sitting all the night at a theater, so... you don't love theaters.

This is what happened with Payton in a intereview to Kemp Powers at Reuters.

I wish I could send a message out to the whole world, 'cause I hear about this all the time. It was a story from Reuters, so it was literally sent to every news source around the globe. Yeah, that's how I was quote. If you notice, in the news story, I have lots of quotes in there with quotation marks, but that part of the story isn't in quotation marks.

I gotta be honest, I took twenty different interviews that day at E For All, and I remember talking to a lot of people. I remember talking to Kemp Powers at Reuters who wrote that story. And he was very interested in hearing about the console war, about Sony versus Microsoft, and what are we doing, are we going to go over to Microsoft, how much will they pay us. You know, all this weird stuff.

Number one, that million dollar figure is incorrect. I don't even know how many figures we'd need to sell to be profitable. More importantly, that's not something you really talk about in an interview. It's nothing I'd ever say. It could've been something like, 'You guys need to sell at least a million copies to be profitable, right?' 'Well, yeah, that sounds about right.' Worldwide, obviously, right? I don't think that's too controversial, but it blew up... I've been trying to contact Kemp Powers over at Reuters to see, I don't know if he recorded it on tape, but I'd love to hear it. So we can set the record straight..

- Payton [From Kotaku]
Well Mister Payton, I don't know if the whole world heard it, but some dudes in Brazil gonna hear.

You can check it at Ryan Payton Blog Pod cast...

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