Friday, August 30, 2013

[OSX, iOS users] Attention, gentlemen!

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If you use Mac OSX 10.8.x or iOS 6.x watch out. Some people are malicious using a bug to bring hell to your life. It can affect: Safari, Chrome, Twitter, WhatsApp or iMessage (or anything with text as far as I know).

The bug:
If you receive (by "friends" or anything you follow on this medias - don't worry, warchildPost is safe) some Arabic Text sequence, the system can crash! There is some kind of bug rendering this sequence with WebKit's CoreText (the motor of this apps). If you use Mac, you can use Firefox (because it doesn't use WebKit, but Gecko).

>>Facebook blocks this sequence, so it is safe.

So remove Twitter app from notification center or delete the app because you know... there is people that just want to see the world on fire. If it appears on your timeline or just a single @mention will trigger it.

Take care.

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